Monday, September 19, 2011

Book 108 - The invisible bridge by Julie Orringer

The Invisible Bridge (Vintage Contemporaries) 892 books to go! It's taken me a long time to finally complete this intense story. I started reading it on my kindle in the beginning of this month and just finished it. It is an epic story filled with sadness and bittersweet happiness, filled with incredible imagery, a tour of two different countries, tales of love and tales of war. The main character of the story, Andras Levi begins the story leaving to start school in Paris where he's been granted a scholarship to study architecture. However he starts school while the beginnings of World War II are happening and the trouble for many Jews like himself begin to happen. Each time I thought Andras' luck was down and it might be the end for him, some person, some favor, some stroke of luck got him through. During the novel Andras falls in love, is forced to leave Paris, is thrown into labor service, later becoming a labor camp, and is finally alive and free. This story was a definite page turner, very enjoyable, extremely descriptive. At times I put my kindle down because I had to move on with my life by going to work, going to sleep, going back to work after a lunch break, getting off the buses or the trains and I was left wondering what would happen to Andras and how he was going to get through his next hardship. If you wish to read something semi-long, and you are comfortable with World War II and holocaust literature than this is the book for you to pick up and read, I enjoyed it extremely.

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