Thursday, December 29, 2011

Book 144 Freezing by Clea Koff

Freezing (Jayne and Steelie Mysteries)

856 books to go!

A debut introduction to a new mystery series called Jayne and Steelie Mysteries. Jayne and Steelie operate a charity titled 321 which helps family members find out what happened to their missing relatives. They start working for the FBI to help track down a serial killer when some body parts fall out of a van and are found by a freeway.

This was a pretty great thriller. It was very interesting and the serial killer was definitely a person I wouldn't have suspected. The ending was action packed and nail biting.

Why I chose to read this: 
I found this at work on the new book shelf cart that is placed by the desk on the main floor. I definitely want to continue on with this series.

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